Dental Services We Provide



Cosmetic Dentistry in Levittown, PA
Patients who receive cosmetic dentistry report increased confidence and quality of life. When you feel confident, you smile more often.

Esthetic Dental proudly offers various cosmetic dentistry services to patients in Levittown, PA, including teeth whitening, Invisalign®, and full or partial dental implants. We strive to enhance the appearance and mechanical function of the mouth while improving both oral health and happiness.

Are you searching for a talented cosmetic dentist in Levittown, PA? Call us today to schedule a consultation at our Levittown, PA, offices.

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Dental Crowns in Levittown, PA
Dental crowns fix damaged or missing teeth and can often save a tooth that may otherwise need removal. Esthetic Dental performs dental crown implants for cosmetic and restorative needs. Our dental crowns restore the natural appearance of the tooth while preventing future damage or tooth decay.

Call us today at our Levittown, PA, offices to learn more about dental crown procedures or schedule a consultation. We offer free consultations and flexible payment options.

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Dental Implants in Levittown, PA
The loss of a tooth can impact your speech, enjoyment of food, and the shape of your face, changing your bite. Fortunately, your best option for replacing missing teeth is also one of the most successful dental procedures: Dental implants are successful for 90-95% of all dental patients.

Esthetic Dental of Levittown, PA, replaces missing teeth with minimally invasive procedures that promote oral health, restoring optimal mouth function and a natural smile.

We work with a diversity of complex dental cases, including emergency needs.

Our patients return to our practices in Levittown, PA, for our gentle and personalized care. Contact us today to learn more about your dental implant options.

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Dental Veneers in Levittown, PA
Dental veneers are thin coverings that fit the surface of the teeth, disguising imperfections. Made from porcelain (or other resins), veneers are a simple and durable solution to various tooth problems. Many patients get dental veneers for chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, but veneers can also cover discolorations or create a symmetrical smile. Veneers also protect damaged teeth from further harm.

If you want to improve your smile and self-esteem, call our offices to discuss your dental veneer options. Contact our Levittown, PA, offices today to learn more about non-invasive procedures and flexible financing options.

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Emergency Dentistry in Levittown, PA
A dental emergency can be direct trauma, such as a broken tooth, sudden bleeding, severe pain, or sensitivity. Decisive action may help you save a tooth. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call our offices in Levittown, PA.

We understand the distress of sudden tooth damage or severe pain. We also understand that tooth traumas need immediate assistance. To serve our patients who require immediate attention, we offer same-day scheduling.

Our dedicated team in Levittown, PA, is ready to help you. Don't think twice about calling Esthetic Dental of Levittown, PA, if you need emergency dentistry services. Call today. You can rest assured that you will not be overcharged or ignored.

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Dentures in Levittown, PA
Dentures are an affordable alternative to invasive implants and a safe and attractive solution to missing teeth. Esthetic Dental of Levittown, PA, specializes in crafting personalized dentures to restore oral function, increasing your ability to eat and speak while improving your smile.

Although a standard restorative procedure, a set of dentures should be personalized to the patient's specific needs. If you need full, complete, or partial dentures, Esthetic Dental can guide you to your best options. Contact us today at Levittown, PA, offices to discuss treatment options and flexible pricing.

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Root Canals in Levittown, PA
You do not need to suffer tooth pain. Many people associate root canals with pain. Root canals do not cause pain. A root canal alleviates pain, often quickly, with minimal side effects. In the past, teeth with infected nerves required quick removal. Thanks to improved therapies, root canals are now standard procedures with high efficacies.

By saving a diseased tooth, a root canal can also improve your smile and restore the enjoyment of food and proper speaking.

If you're looking for a gentle root canal dentist, call Esthetic Dental of Levittown, PA. We offer comprehensive endodontic services and root canals.

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General Dentistry in Levittown, PA
Esthetic Dental is a primary provider of general dentistry services to patients of all ages in Levittown, PA, and the surrounding communities.

A routine general dentistry visit to Esthetic Dental includes a comprehensive examination, dental health assessment, and professional teeth cleaning. If your exam reveals tooth decay or other problems, we will discuss a plan to restore optimal oral health.

We offer a variety of general dental services to treat and preserve the health of your teeth and gums. From general cleaning to complex procedures, like root canals, we address all patient concerns in a relaxed environment, answering all questions before we begin any procedure. To schedule a general dentistry appointment, contact us today at our offices in Levittown, PA.

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Invisalign Dentistry in Levittown, PA
Teeth straightening no longer requires brackets and wires. Esthetic Dental proudly offers a discrete alternative: Invisalign®.

Invisalign® includes a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. As your teeth shift into alignment, you receive new trays to gradually improve your teeth's alignment and bite over a series of weeks and months.

Invisalign® aligners are made from pliable BPA-free plastic. The discrete look means you can smile with confidence, and the ease of use means you do not need to change your routine. Call our Levittown, PA, office to learn more about Invisalign® treatment or schedule a consultation to discuss flexible pricing and treatment options.

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Saturday Dentistry in Levittown, PA
Many dental patients prefer a Saturday scheduling option, and many dental offices reserve weekends for emergency visits or complex procedures like root canals or same-day crowns. A true Saturday dentist, Esthetic Dental offers weekend scheduling to any patient who needs scheduling flexibility.

We do not want your busy schedule to compromise your oral health. Our Saturday dental scheduling offers an alternative for patients who cannot visit during the week.

Whether you're experiencing tooth pain or require routine cleaning, contact us at our Levittown, PA, office to schedule a Saturday dental appointment.

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Teeth Whitening in Levittown, PA
Discolored teeth are often an unfortunate fact of life. Possible causes include coffee, tea, wine-drinking, genetics, medications (like tetracycline), and environmental factors. Fortunately, most people's discolored teeth can be quickly reversed with a visit to a tooth whitening dentist.

Teeth whitening is a standard cosmetic dentistry procedure, and Esthetic Dental proudly helps adults of all ages achieve a brilliant white attractive smile. We offer astute professional advice and courteous care. We provide safe and effective whitening treatments designed to maintain comfort and ensure a smooth path to brighter, white teeth.

Are you interested in learning more about professional teeth whitening? Call us in our Levittown, PA, office today.

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Orthodontist in Levittown, PA
Orthodontists and dentists share the same goal: promoting good oral health. However, the two disciplines vary in practice. Dentists focus on oral health, decay, mild gum disease, and damaged teeth while improving the function and appearance of the teeth.

Orthodontists focus on the alignment of the teeth and jaw, which impacts appearance and function. Maintaining alignment is more critical than mere beauty; proper tooth alignment can improve your bite and oral comfort.

Esthetic Dental offers both dentists and orthodontists trained and adept at both disciplines. At our office, you will receive adept and comprehensive oral treatment.

If you or your family need an orthodontist, call Esthetic Dental today to schedule an orthodontic appointment at our Levittown, PA, offices.

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Oral Surgery Dentists in Levittown, PA
Do you need an oral surgeon? Oral surgery can treat various conditions, from tooth extractions (like wisdom teeth) to oral reconstructive surgery. Most dentists refer patients to oral surgeons at different locations. Esthetic Dental treats oral surgery patients at our offices in Levittown, PA.

When a problem requires oral surgery, make sure you find a skilled professional. Esthetic Dental has a successful record of positive oral surgery outcomes. We treat every oral surgery patient with calm attention and compassion. We explain all procedures in detail and urge you to ask questions. We strive to keep you as comfortable as possible as we skillfully treat the problem.

For more information or to set up an appointment with an oral surgeon, contact us today at our Levittown, PA, offices.

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